Looking After Your Car During Lockdown

Due to the coronavirus pandemic and car travel being limited, these are very trying times for all of us. However, despite not being able to get on the road as often as you’d like, you can still show your vehicle some TLC to ensure that it’s in top condition when the restrictions are lifted.

Keep the tank full

It’s a good idea to keep a full tank of petrol if your car is being driven infrequently or not at all. This is because the more air there is in the tank, the more likely it is that condensation will build up. This can affect the car’s performance and even cause rusting if left for a prolonged period.

If possible, release the handbrake

This won’t be an option for some, but if your car is kept in a driveway or garage, it might be worth releasing the handbrake. The reason is that it could become jammed if left in the locking position indefinitely, which would be a real headache when the time comes. Another option is to use wheel chocks that stop the car from rolling away, or simply start the car every few days and disengage the handbrake for a couple of minutes.

Start the car regularly

Leading on from the point above, it’s beneficial to start the car up every 3-4 days anyway. By doing this and letting it idle for a little while, you’ll prevent the battery from depleting. In the process, turn on the air conditioning so that dust isn’t left to accumulate inside the system.

Check the tyres

When left for a while, a car’s tyres can deflate a little, so make sure to keep them pumped up and at the correct pressure. By moving the car around a little, even if it’s just up and down the driveway or out of its space and back again, you can also stop flat spots from appearing.

Give it a good old clean

This is the perfect opportunity to treat your vehicle to a proper cleaning session. Take everything out of the boot and glove compartment, then vacuum away any fluff and stray bits. Wipe down every surface and spruce up the upholstery, clean the internal windows and really get into every nook and cranny to ensure that the vehicle is spotless. Don’t forget to check under the seats for rubbish too.

Carry out an inventory check

Now’s the time to confirm that you have essential items in your car, such as oil, coolant, windscreen washer fluid, jump leads and an ice scraper. An emergency car kit is important too, which should contain items like water, energy bars, waterproof clothing, blankets, a first aid kit and a torch. 

Treat yourself to a personalised reg plate

If you’re like us, you can’t wait to be back out on the road and enjoying being in the driving seat. Why not really spoil yourself in the meantime and get a personalised number plate? We’re a DVLA Recognised Reseller and have over 25 years of experience in the buying and selling of private registration plates. Try a number plate search and see what takes your fancy.